Paleo “Oatmeal” Chocolate Chip Cookies

Wholesome. Sweet with just a hint of salt. Tender. All of these things describe the perfect oatmeal chocolate chip cookie…which taste more like a meal replacement than a cookie! I always felt they were more breakfast food than dessert. The days of regular oatmeal are gone, but the memory of this cookie was hard to get…

Piña Colada Smoothie

After a really depressing World Cup match where Germany beat Brazil 7-1 (and a few inches of rain in Ottawa) the world feels like a grey place. The kind of place where you would buy a roll of Pillsbury’s chocolate chip cookie dough and only make half the cookies because you’ve already eaten half the dough.…

Monthly Harvest: Strawberries

The Monthly Harvest fruit of choice for July is…(drumroll, please) strawberries!! I chose strawberries for this month’s harvest because right around this time, the strawberries on my farm in Saskatchewan start growing like crazy. We would be busy for 3 or 4 weeks picking delicious, sweet strawberries. Although our strawberries are smaller than the store-bought…

Maple Cream Cookies

Happy Canada Day!! In Canada, maple syrup is a pretty big deal for us…we have festivals and many treats (maple cream cookies, maple candies and maple butter, to name a few) all focused around it. And for a good reason too, it’s delicious! Luckily enough for us (and the rest of the world) maple syrup…

Mandarin Spinach Smoothie

I had a dilemma at the end of salad week…lots of mandarins and spinach left over. So I threw it with a frozen banana into a smoothie and the result was green, sweet healthy goodness 🙂 Who doesn’t like getting some of their vegetables in a gorgeous, green smoothie that tastes like fruit? Also, I…

Ultimate Chicken Caesar Salad

It’s been a long week full of..salad. It’s been delicious and healthy and I’m happy that I got to share some of my favourite salad recipes with you guys. However, I’ve saved the best for last; the ultimate chicken caesar salad! The difference between my version and your typical restaurant or potluck version is two…

Shrimp-Stuffed Avocado

This is for all those avocado-lovers! It’s also for those who don’t LOVE avocados. In fact, I used to not like avocados until I had it prepared like this. These stuffed avocados make me APPRECIATE avocados…and it’s creamy, full of flavour, and filling. Perfect for a lunch, light supper, or side-dish. Shrimp-Stuffed Avocado♥ Ingredients: 1…

Hump Day Salad

For lack of a better name (Christmas salad…), I have dubbed this delightful little pick-me-up as the Hump Day Salad…since it is Wednesday (I think you caught that already). Funny story, I remember the first time I had ever heard the term “hump day”. I was only seven or eight, and my father and I…


As the title suggests, this salad came about as I was VERY hungry…I guess it’s like the kraft dinner of the salad world…fast to make and filling (but a lot more nutritious than KD). You see, my sister was sending me to a dive shop to find a wet suit to rent for our upcoming…

Mandarin Chicken Salad With Sweet Mustard Dressing

Who here eats paleo and knows that they still don’t eat enough vegetables? Join the club!! My paleo diet seems to consist mainly of fruit and meat and the odd veggie…something I need to work on changing. As a response to this discovery, I am going to challenge myself with Salad Week! Every day of…